First 3rds:
I fired up the Candy Corn cigar, a symphony of flavors unfolded. White and black pepper notes led the initial charge, accompanied by the subtle embrace of oak. Moments later, Cabernet Sauvignon joined the ensemble, creating a harmonious interplay as the pepper notes gracefully retreated. Soon, a delightful sarsaparilla bitterness made an entrance, followed by the emergence of dark chocolate with a hint of sweetness. And that was just the opening act of the first third.
Mid 3rds:
Venturing into the mid-thirds, the sarsaparilla's intensity softened, and the dark chocolate evolved into a smooth, syrupy consistency with creamy undertones. The Cabernet Sauvignon held its ground, contributing to a luscious, velvety texture that swept over the palate. Each flavor took its turn in the spotlight, seamlessly transitioning from one to the next, like a well-coordinated performance by a skilled orchestra.
Last 3rds:
In the final act, the dark chocolate took center stage, providing a velvety crescendo. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, a surprise twist! Root beer entered the scene, adding a delightful layer of complexity. Meanwhile, the Cabernet Sauvignon and oak maintained a steady presence in the background. Then, in a truly grand finale, around three-quarters through the last third, a unique red wine-infused root beer note emerged, leaving a lasting impression.
Final Thoughts:
The Candy Corn cigar blew me away. The intricate transitions, impeccable smoothness, and well-timed shifts in flavors were nothing short of phenomenal. With three years of aging, the vintage sophistication seeps through the transitions, making it a remarkable experience. Highly recommended if you're up for a flavor adventure. Kudos to the Privada Cigar Club for unearthing this rare gem. It's a must-have for any cigar connoisseur's collection.
You can watch the video review here for the full uncut Back Yard Shenanigans